Saturday, March 5, 2011

When we woke up

Waking up knowing that we could rush over and start helping take care of the kiddos here was exciting to say the least.  We got to hold babies, feed them their bottles, play with them and just truly love on them!

Then we sorted through all of this generousity.  Thank you again to all of you for helping us get this here.  What a blessing!

  Desi our coordinator over here will help us to know what to bring where.  Thank goodness. :)

Some of our team went to go get food for the food baskets that we will be bringing to the ghetto later on today and also get a pinata to have a party with the kids there.  The rest of us hung back and played with the kids here.  We danced, sang, giggled and played.  I can't wait for more of this later.  What little treasures these kids are....I am overwhelmed with emotion ya'll.


Our next destination is the ghetto like I mentioned earlier.  There is much need there we are told and I know we will have a lot to talk about later.

Until then......



  2. That second little girl! Oh my, that's my ARI!!! Oh...bring her home to me, friends!

  3. Could somebody PLEASE bring me home the couch full of little boys! How sweet. You girls are all so amazing and blessed! You are all in our prayers.
