Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Adventures of the Guatemalan Ghetto

Hi everyone this is Missy posting this entry!  Wow how do I even try to explain what we experienced today!  We went to a place called "The Ghetto".  This is a such a neat community in the city that is really set apart.  Our leader, Desi, explained that these people have kept drugs and gangs out of their community.  One of the ways they have been able to do this by not accepting food from the government.  Communities that have accepted them have had a lot of shootings and gang activity over the food.  Desi told us you could hire someone to kill someone else for 3 dollars!!!!  This community has banded together, they work together, have pride in their area and were such a neat people to be around.  Truly so sweet and full of happiness and joy.

They are a very poor community.  We had the privilege of going there to play with the kids and have a pinata party (unbelievable pinatas here friends!)  We were also able to give out food baskets to 5 different families.  The leader, Juanita, of this community rotates families everytime Forever Changed International comes and brings the baskets.  We all had so much fun dancing, playing soccer, (yes, even me) and having the pinata party.  The children were amazing and so beautiful, what fun it was to just love on them and play with them. 
There was a special little boy that our team met, Kevin.  He lives in the ghetto with his 3 year old little brother.  His mom stops by a couple times a week but when she does she is usually very drunk. This 12 year old Kevin takes care of his brother pretty much all by himself.  The community has really embraced them and they built them a "house".  He is such a neat kid, quite mature and loving.  Our entire team fell in love with him.
We went into the homes then of 5 different families to deliver food baskets.  Each family was a mom and several kids.  We were noticing a pattern that so many husbands/ fathers are out of the picture.  What an incredibly sad reality and one that really broke my heart.  To think of all these women and children without a lot of male figures.  We are told unfortunately that this is common in Guatemala. 
Each family we visited with was so poor, so grateful, so sweet, so full of prayer requests.  After visiting with the women we were able to pray over each of them which was such a blessing and a privilege. 
We truly had a blessed day, a physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting day, but a blessed day!  
God challenged each of us in so many ways.  Each of our hearts were broken.  Each of us with such heavy hearts.  Each of us with many questions.  BUT...  each of us knowing this...  Our God is Sovereign over this.  Our God is good.  Our God loves each one of these individuals more than we can even imagine.  And our God has a plan and purpose for each of these beautiful people living in "the ghetto".

Desi and Kevin


  1. Thank you for sharing these amazing pictures! We are so thankful you got there safely. We will definitely continue to pray for y'all and will be saying extra prayers with my kids today in Kidsview! God Bless!


    (Kristie---when will you be home? I've missed seeing you at M2M!)

  2. Well written sweetheart. You and the people you are working with are in our prayers.

    The kids put this together for you -

    We love you so much.

  3. he realities of this life of living in the ghetto are hard to process, I am sure. As you said, we take it all back to the Sovereignty of our Great and Mighty God. I can't help but think how far this is from His initial creation of the Garden...where there was beauty, peace, protection, and is all still there in the ghetto, yet it is marred by the mark of sin.

    On a lighter note...Wow! The pinatas are very amazing! Can you bring some of those back to the states? I figure you should have some room, right????

    Love you guys! Thinking and praying for you so much!

  4. Here I sit...humbled to tears, wanting so much to love on those sweet families alongside you but definitely loving them and you all through prayer! I am quite certain that a piece of your hearts will remain in Guatemala forever. Stay well, stay strong, and stay safe! You are most assuredly in HIS Grip! The BerryBunch:)

  5. oh! what a day this must have been! this reminds me of "the hole" in the D.R.! such precious faces...lots and lots of kiddos and mommas - but not many daddies.
    thank you, ladies, for loving on these very precious people and letting them know how much Jesus loves them! what fun you all must have had.
    THANK YOU for posting these stories and pictures and allowing us at home to be a part of your experiences.
    sending lots of love your way, friends!
    with continuing prayers -
    lynne :-)

  6. You all are truly an inspiration to so many! It is so amazing to see hoe He works through the little things and the big ones too! You're in our prayers! Keep trusting Him through this journey, and He will guide your paths!

    Love you all! Be safe, and learn how to speak espanol mamacita! MEXICANA!!!

    Love, Kristin

  7. Thank you for sending this blog.Sounds like an awesome trip to be able to spread His love to so many who sound like they REALLY need you all there.

    You are all in my prayers for health and safety and many opportunities to love on his children (adults and kiddos alike).


  8. Hey Kris,

    It's Tenisha :) I am so glad you all got there ok, and it looks like your journey is going to be unbelievable...its so awesome that you girls get to spend time with all the kids and visit some of the families! I love that you are sharing pictures too!! I am praying for you all to be safe & in good health as well as for the locals! What's with the giant pinatas?...AWESOME!! Those have got to be the biggest pinatas I have EVER seen!! and I bet the kids LOVED it! Can't wait to hear more...I love you!! Be safe :) And Kris...don't lose your plane tickets anymore lol!


    Tenisha, Bryan & Baby Miedel too :)

  9. Ladies,
    The kids and I have been praying for y'all. I hope that you have a good trip up the mountain today. Make much of Him.

    We had a yummy breakfast, toad in a hole! We've been playing very good together. I (Caleb) do not want to do school at naptime. Milton has been purring at me.
    Milton has been biting me (Ansley) on the bottom, on the furniture. I was dancing around and a Teddy bear was dancing with me and it was a stuffed teddy because I had it in my hair because Emmry comes and snatched my teddy bear.
    I (Emmry) danced with the kitty cat and the kitty cat has been spinning around in his something or other. The kitty cat has been jumping on the counters and knocking over cups.
    My (Briar) naps have been great. But I get really upset at every meal. Daddy has no idea what I'm talking about when I am screaming at him. Why doesn't he get it? Mommy, you always understand what I need.
    We hope you have a nice trip and that you come home soon. We changed the background on the computer from giraffe to monster. ha ha!

    Bye, we love you!
    Caleb, Emmry, Ansley, Briar, Daddy, and >^,^<
    pink baby, yellow blankie, blankie-blankie, polka dottie, teddy bear and caterpillar

  10. What an awesome opportunity to bless such sweet kids! Alex and I are praying for you! Can't wait to hear all about it!


  11. Ladies . . . so awesome to see how God is moving in your hearts and the lives of these children. Just continue to pray God's eternal purpose would come to pass in each little one you have opportunity to love. The scriptures say "he sets the lonely in families" . . . Jesus, let these children each come to a saving knowledge of you.

    Journey girls . . . your hubbies are doing great. You should have seen them with all the children in church on Sunday . . . you would have been proud :) We're all praying for you!

    Can't wait to hear first hand all God has done.


  12. Hey Melissa / Mommy-
    Here's part two of "Our Mama is in Guatemala" -
    We miss you so much; we love you so much,
    Ernie, Ruthie, Bobby, Oliver, and Tom

    Sorry about the camera work.
